Sep 30, 2022
This week Jim welcomes Martin Gold back to the podcast as they focus on the process of what the senate parliamentarian had to go through to determine what could be considered for the Inflation Reduction Act as part of the budget reconciliation process.
Martin B. Gold is a partner with Capitol Counsel, LLC. In service to...
Sep 23, 2022
This week we welcome back friend of the podcast Saat Alety as he gives Jim an update on his recent move from Allstate to Fed Hall.
Saat Alety is a Partner at Federal Hall Policy Advisors (Fed Hall), a leading bipartisan government affairs firm in Washington, D.C. Named to The Hill's Top Lobbyist list in 2021, Alety most...
Sep 16, 2022
This week we welcome Mike Bober to the podcast as he shares a bit about his personal story and tells Jim how he ended up in his current role as the President and CEO of the Pet Advocacy Network.
After more than a decade in various political outreach roles, Mike now oversees all aspects of the pet care community’s...
Sep 9, 2022
This week we welcome Maggie Mick to the podcast as she gives Jim a sneak peek of WASRG's upcoming In-Person Inside the Dome Symposium in Washington, D.C.!
Maggie Mick serves as Assistant Vice President at MultiState. Before joining the firm's leadership team, she spent nearly 12 years at The Council of State...
Sep 2, 2022
This week we welcome Tim Storey to the podcast to give Jim the rundown on what it's like to oversee the largest state legislature conference in the country.
Tim Storey serves as the Executive Director of the NCSL. Prior to that, Storey spent the past 30 years working for and studying legislatures—specializing in...